Picture of
                  John Copeland John Copeland

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250

Phone: (404) 894-5177
Fax: (404) 894-0035
E-Mail: john.copeland@ece.gatech.edu

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Research Interests

Dr. John A. Copeland is Director of the Communications Systems Center (CSC) which is part of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech.

Present projects

Past projects include:

Look for more information on projects, papers and reports, on the Communications Systems Center Web site.

Ph.D. Students Graduated

Kulsoom Abdullah,
Randal Abler, Georgia Tech
Mutlu Arpaci, Coca Cola Enterprises
Raheem A. Beyah, Georgia Tech faculty
Alessandro Brawerman, Brazil
Yusun Chang, Georgia Tech, Southern Poly. faculty
Cherita Corbett, Sandia
Scott Hrastar, Nokia
Hyoung-Kee Choi, Sungkyunkwan U faculty, Korea
Raymond C. Garcia, Shadowband Systems Inc.
Chi-Jui Ho, SoftHome
Hong Huang, U. of New Mexico
Song-Ho Jeong, Hankuk U of FS faculty (Korea)
Shantanu Kangude, Texas Instruments
Yu-Kung Ke
Min-Yung Kim, Samsung
Seung-Eun Kim
Bongkyoung Kwon, Nokia
Chris Lee, Shadowserver
Myounghwan Lee
Jian Liu, Cisco/SA
Timucin Ozugur, Alcatel
Wichit Saiklao, Thai Military Academy
Xiaoxiao (Sherry) Wang, Johns Hopkins APL
Jin Tang, Eisenhauer U.
Selcuk Uluagac, Georgia Tech, Res. Eng.
Chaoting Xuan  (Trusted Network Technology)
Andreas Yankopolis, Scientific Research Corp.
Hai (Harold) Zheng, Johns Hopkins APL
Pan Zhou, Oracle

MS Students Graduated

Venkatraman Sridharan
Jin-Hwan Chung, LG
Chris Murray, NSA
Pinar Taskerran, Cisco/SA
Hui Wang, Calex

Present Students (for Web links, click "People" on the CSC Web site)

Albert Brzecko
Gong Chin
Jinyoun Cho
Aaron Goldman
Faisal Amed Khan
Moazzam Khan
Deuk Lee
George Macon
Sung Jin Park
Shi-In Chang

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For More Information

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